Friday, February 22, 2013

Cold as F***

Well we have arrived in Salt Lake City, Utah where it is COLD AS F***! It is currently 28 degrees outside and snowing...  We complain about it being cold at morning practice when it's 37 degrees outside!  Cold or hot, we have a duty to perform; we will win our final dual meet of the season.  This may be the last swim meet for some who do not qualify for Pac-12 Championships and NCAA Championships.  Since Utah is not as an elite of a school in the aquatics division, we can afford to swim people in all kinds of events.  The meet has begun and our day of traveling as been great! We had nothing but each other, meaning 37 guys stuck together at an airport, cold, and bored.  That with the USC swim team leads to snuggling for warmth and comfort, yes snuggling.  We have been snuggled up against each other for the past couple hours and even though the competition pool is indoors, it does not change the fact that it is cold as f***.

This meet should just be over already, we have a birthday to celebrate tonight at the hotel!  One of our seniors is turning 22 and we are stuck in Utah of all places to celebrate it.  We are also going to be sober for the night...weird for USC kids.  I wonder what it's like back at SC right now where it's probably warm, people are in shorts and t-shirts, people are tan, people don't say "Oh my heck" and so many more things that we are missing out on right now.  Enough of this party talk, time to focus!  We have 3 swimmers to qualify for NCAA at this meet and it is important that they do since they have been tapering.  The road to the National Championship is open and we are ready to charge at it! In this case, there's snow on that road...well time to go warm up and BEAT THE UTES!

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