Thursday, April 18, 2013

AMF Seniors!

Last weekend we had our AMERICA party which as a GREAT SUCCESS! We had a blast and had significant turn out and not a single person left with an injury.  Our coaches also did not find out about this which is always a bonus.  It's funny that our coaches act like our parents back in high school because they try to contain us and we rebel against them.  But this weekend they definitely know about our party.  We have just finished up our swim meet in Texas and some of us qualified for World University Games and some of us did not. But regardless we are now back in Southern California ready to AMF our seniors. 

AMF is a tradition we have had on the swim team for decades where we say "Adios Motherf***ers" to our seniors.  It is always the happiest and saddest time of the year.  Our seniors are our leaders and our teammates.  They will always remain those who we shared terrible and great moments with them.  Last year as a transfer, the senior class leaving was a shock factor to me because I did not know what to do when our seniors would leave.  The people I looked up to for answers were now gone to live their lives away from the pool, some in different pools in different countries.  It's always hard for the freshman and transfer class to say goodbye to the seniors, but little do they realize that that is going to be them in a very short amount of time. 

The senior class this year is one of the more goofy senior classes with the loudest person on the team leaving.  Justin Difederico is a short blonde surfer boy from Calabasas, CA who always has something to say even in the worst situations.  DiFed never has a pout on his face even in the worst situations.  A clear memory I have of DiFed was on a 36 degree morning on deck, he runs out of the locker room and screams "CAN SOMEONE CRANK UP THE AC UP IN THIS JOINT! MY NIPPLES COULD GET A LITTLE MORE SHARPER!"  The entire team and coaches went from cold and serious to happy and smiling even in 36 degree weather.  DiFed, we'll miss you a ton next year! 

AMF is not only a tradition, but it is a huge party as well.  Those monster frat parties that are happen all year do not compare to this party.  Our AMF party is known as the "best party of the year."  It not only brings the most attractive people but it brings us together as a team in more than one way appropriate or inappropriate.  Last AMF, we danced, laughed, drank, and made some really really bad decisions, but we did it as a team.  This year is going to be just as epic of a night if not any better! USC SWIMMING PRIDE

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