Friday, April 12, 2013

End of Season

Well it's the end of the swim season and it's our tradition to have a party at the swim house!  Friday night: time to go get booze and get the word out to as many people as possible.  Our parties are not the typical parties because we are a co-ed team, meaning we don't discriminate against guys.  Another part of the party that is different is that more than half of the team will be passed out drunk before the night even gets to midnight.  We spend all year getting up at 5AM and reporting to the pool and weight room.  There is never a chance to go out and do anything social except for Saturday night and by nightfall, everyone becomes zombies and passes out. NOT THIS TIME

It's the first time, we've seen the girls put on make up and dresses for a long time and it's a rather good feeling.  Swimcest is just around the corner tonight!  The best part about this party is the theme of it...AMURRRRIIIICA!  Since we have so many foreign athletes who are Olympians and they usually run the show in the water.  When it comes to parties, we are going to show them that they are in America tonight.  American flags, bandanas, paper towels, tables, and anything you can think of.  And the best part is the foreigners are not allowed to come into the house if they are not wearing something red, white, and blue.  Social life is beginning to shape up here for us and we are not going to have to wake up for practice or anything!

On to the logistical boring stuff of this party...we have to make sure all athletes can get into the party, no frat boys that we don't like, and the party stays outside.  The last time we decided to have a party before we started training, we had a freshman tennis player come over and fall out the window and break his arm...he was not American and was the best recruit in the country...Compliance decided to almost suspend our team and make us all take an alcohol edu class...he had maybe 4 shots...damn foreigners can't handle their booze!

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